Thank you for stopping by to learn more about Caleb Cares.
It’s always been important to me to inspire kids. I created Caleb Cares to empower kids, shine a spotlight on mental health, and eliminate bullying. I was raised to give back. My mom always cared for kids at the daycare she owned and operated. My dad always seemed to be helping someone out. My high school, Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC, instilled in me the importance of service. Our motto is “Men for others.”  We served meals to the homeless, raised money and held food drives for the less fortunate.  As my platform grows, I want to cast a wider net to impact kids. That’s why I founded Caleb Cares. We are just beginning to develop and empower kids through our programs and initiatives. My off-the-field team and I are working to strategically create programs that can scale within the communities I’ve been and will be a part of.
At Caleb Cares, we like to say, “Think Kindness,” say hello, ask someone how they’re doing, and reach out. You never know what someone else is going through. You could change a person’s day or even their life. We all have the kindness superpower. Simply release it. Always remember that greatness is formed in our differences. What makes you different today will propel you tomorrow.

Thank you for stopping by to learn more about Caleb Cares.
It’s always been important to me to inspire kids. I created Caleb Cares to empower kids, shine a spotlight on mental health, and eliminate bullying. I was raised to give back. My mom always cared for kids at the daycare she owned and operated. My dad always seemed to be helping someone out. My high school, Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC, instilled in me the importance of service. Our motto is “Men for others.”  We served meals to the homeless, raised money and held food drives for the less fortunate.  As my platform grows, I want to cast a wider net to impact kids. That’s why I founded Caleb Cares. We are just beginning to develop and empower kids through our programs and initiatives. My off-the-field team and I are working to strategically create programs that can scale within the communities I’ve been and will be a part of.
At Caleb Cares, we like to say, “Think Kindness,” say hello, ask someone how they’re doing, and reach out. You never know what someone else is going through. You could change a person’s day or even their life. We all have the kindness superpower. Simply release it. Always remember that greatness is formed in our differences. What makes you different today will propel you tomorrow.

Mission Statement

The mission of Caleb Cares is to prevent bullying, shine a spotlight on mental health and empower young people.


Caleb Cares envisions a world where mental health is as important as our physical health. A world where our youth are empowered to reach their full potential. A world where young people thrive in school, free from bullying, filled with compassion, kindness and empathy.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Caleb Cares is to prevent bullying, shine a spotlight on mental health and empower young people.


The Caleb Cares envisions a world where mental health is as important as our physical health. A world where our youth are empowered to reach their full potential. A world where young people thrive in school, free from bullying, filled with compassion, kindness and empathy.

Heisman Speech

Heisman Speech

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